A Convergence of Specialties
MINDFULNESS COACH SINCE 1999: Stephanie Nash is a Mindfulness Coach and Integrative Counselor who is an expert in the Unified Mindfulness system developed by Shinzen Young (with whom she has worked closely and) whose techniques and strategies have become an integral part of her personal experience as well as her teaching. Recently, Stephanie co-led UCLA's first-ever lab attached to a humanities' curriculum, it was a "pilot program", which explored how mindfulness can affect learning, and the results look quite good. Steph has also been a supervisor of the Unified Mindfulness teacher training program.
HARVARD BRAIN STUDY: Stephanie was among a small group of experienced meditators selected to have their brains studied for a Harvard Medical School study in 2012 using Shinzen’s techniques, and then, at Shinzen’s request, Stephanie designed and implemented a training for the participants for the second part of the study which was conducted in 2015.
BODY LANGUAGE EXPERT: At UCLArts & Healing, Stephanie has taught a popular workshop called, Shifting Positions to Shift Perceptions: How Body Language Affects How You Think and Feel – calling upon her years of training in various movement & healing modalities, as well as her MFA training as an actress at the Yale School of Drama. Steph also taught Expressive Movement at USC and has taught movement to various acting schools & groups.
POWER OF POSTURE: Stephanie has often led "Posture Clinics" at meditation retreats where she teaches how the natural structure of the body can support us in ways that most people are presently not taking advantage of (and unnecessarily stressing the neck and shoulder muscles.) Steph is presently finishing her book, Posture for Meditation and Life, based on her article, Posture-pedia, which she wrote in 2005 and is now widely used by meditation centers and teachers all over the country. (She was even asked by Navy Seals if they could use it.)
LAUGHING MEDITATION: In addition, Stephanie has developed a unique kind of laughing meditation which she has presented at many of Shinzen’s retreats, in addition to her own workshops, and she was also asked to be a guest expert on a Deepak Chopra show. Steph often incorporates mindful laughter into her Stress Reduction presentations and programs.
PRESENTATION SKILLS: At UCLA’s Social-Emotional Arts program, Stephanie teaches mindful presentation and mindful communication skills to instructors and administrators, and privately she works with performers, athletes, executives – and anyone who needs to perform effectively in front of others – to work mindfully with emotions, thoughts and physical experience when under duress for maximum performance and efficacy.
EATING: Everyone has lost control of their eating upon occasion, but for some, the issue can become a obstacle to health & happiness. Through her years of leading Mindful Eating (sometimes called Conscious Eating) workshops, in person and via phone or skype (with participants in their own kitchens), Stephanie has developed many unique strategies, techniques, and fun perspectives to help people "rewire" their relationship to food - that goes beyond eating to preparing and even shopping.
ACTING PROFESSIONAL: With an MFA from the renowned Yale School of Drama, Stephanie has 30 years of experience as a professional working actress - and over 2 decades as an acting coach, and not only has a special understanding of how mindfulness can enhance the creative process, but she often speaks of how actors are trying to create the suffering that most meditators are trying to get rid of. And it her understanding of the component part of the "suffering self" - and how to put them together and take them apart - that gives her a unique perspective in this process of breaking through obstacles of thinking and feeling to clarity and freedom. Steph's acting website.
INTERVIEWS: Stephanie began interviewing Shinzen for radio (in Los Angeles) in 2001 – and later did video interviews for the Shinzen Videos Youtube channel she created to spread his work. Interviews with other established teachers like Upasaka Culadasa, Leigh Brasington, Ken McLeod, and others are also on that site as well as on Steph’s own Youtube Channel, which also includes her own teachings. Stephanie has, since then, been interviewed on many podcasts, radio shows, and as a part of summits.
NON-PROFIT: Stephanie began her non-profit, Mindfulness Arts, in 2007 to be able to offer special programs for the community.
MEDITATION APP: Stephanie recently developed her own app, “REWIRE YOU”, which not only offers inventive mindfulness techniques and strategies for daily life, but also offers embodiment skills to help body and mind move to a balanced state of well-being. Stephanie also has several popular meditations available on the Insight Timer app, and has two 6-lesson programs on the Brightmind App. (One must "unlock" them by going through basic meditations, but then you can access one program on "De-Stress" and one on "Relaxation." - And, yes, the De-Stress program ends with a 10 minute laughing meditation.)
DUKE & YALE: Stephanie has a BA (in psychology) from Duke University, in addition to her MFA from Yale.
"I've spent my life learning creative and healing systems and modalities for body and mind, and there is nothing more fulfilling than sharing my years of exploration in a way that helps others reach their goals."
Stephanie Nash